Companies often are faced with developing strategies to shape and inform the political and policy environment, as well as with engaging key legislative, regulatory and executive decision makers on matters that include tax, trade, labor and regulatory oversight.

At the global, national, regional and local level, Reteno & Associates works to protect clients’ political and policy interests, providing up-to-the-minute intelligence and assessments of policy and political risk, as well as developing and implementing issue campaigns and legislative and regulatory mitigation strategies.

Every political jurisdiction is governed by a unique set of processes and traditions, and Reteno & Associates team acts as clients’ local guide, helping to engage the right policymakers with the right message at the right moment to protect clients’ enterprise value.

Our specialists work inside political and regulatory capitals to map stakeholders, engage leadership and set the agenda for informed decision making. We integrate traditional, digital and social media campaigns to help shape policy, amplify client messages, and promote a unified narrative to policymakers, international organizations, opinion leaders, non-governmental organizations (NGO) and other key stakeholders. Also, we manage all elements of outreach from alliance and coalition building to thought leadership and content development.

Our Public Policy Advocacy services include:

  • Economic analysis and political research
  • Public opinion polling
  • NGO stakeholder engagement
  • Cross-border issues and crisis communications
  • Integrated communications
  • Lobbying and direct advocacy
  • Content development and analytics